
Host Service Assurance

In the land of "atithi devo bhava", hosting can be a satisfying and enriching experience for you and your Guest. In order to earn maximum goodwill from your guests, the Host Service Assurance reminds you to make the right choices in your hosting journey.

1. Host Service Assurance

I am a responsible host because I adhere to the following minimum quality standards in order to protect the interests of my Guests:

  • Accuracy

    My photos, list of amenities and description of the Listing are correct. Directions and landmarks to reach the Listing are precise and easy to follow. My house rules are clear and easy to understand.

  • Calendar update

    My calendar is accurately updated to reflect when the Listing will be available.

  • Responsiveness

    I reply to booking requests/specific queries of the Guest within the 24 hour time-frame

  • Commitment

    Before accepting a reservation, I ensure that I can keep the commitment and avoid cancellation. If however, a cancellation is unavoidable, I make every effort to provide an alternative Listing that meets similar or better quality standards.

  • Communication

    If I have any specific house rules, I ensure I communicate to the Guest well in advance. At the time of check-in, I or my representative is present to hand-over the keys, give the Guest a tour of the house and acquaint him/her to the house rules, appliances and amenities.

  • Support

    During the stay, I or my representative is available to sort out any issue(s) that may arise.

  • Courtesy

    I always treat my Guests with utmost courtesy - before, during and after their stay.

3. Neighbourhood obligations

I am mindful of my neighbours and my neighbourhood, and respect their needs and concerns.

  • Building Rules

    I relay my building's common area rules to my Guest - like usage of pool, gym, park area, etc. I remind Guests not to bother my neighbours (.eg, by knocking on their doors or ringing their bells very late at night).

  • Smoking

    If I don't allow smoking, I am clear about it to my Guests and tell them about the nearest smoking area. If I allow smoking, I ensure that I have ashtrays available for my Guests.

  • Parking

    I relay parking rules for my building and neighbourhood to my Guests.

  • Noise

    I remind Guests about keeping noise down. I am mindful of my decision to allow pets or parties. I ensure that my Guests are clear about them inviting other guests.

  • Pets

    If I allow pets, I ensure that guests are educated about society rules and location of the closest animal friendly parks.

7. Insurance

I understand that it is in my best interest to keep away and/or insure valuables (like expensive paintings, artefacts, cash, expensive electronic items, jewellery, etc.), within the Accommodation. I take special care, when hosting families with small children. I ensure that my house and valuables are adequately insured.

8. Taxes

  • I ensure that I am complying with any relevant tax laws that apply to my Listing and/or amenities provided within the Listing. This may include municipal taxes, property taxes, gram panchayat taxes, hosting taxes, service tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), income tax or others.
  • I ensure that all taxes, duties, levies and other dues to be paid by the Guests are included in the Listing tariff.

2. Quality standards for the Listing

I maintain a clean and safe environment for my Guests so that they enjoy their time spent, choose to visit again and recommend my Listing to their friends and family.

  • Cleanliness

    I ensure that the Listing is cleaned before the Guests arrive. I keep fresh linen, towels and other accessories ready and clean the bathrooms. I clean the Listing and provide fresh bedding at regular intervals, as specified in the Listing.

  • Comfort

    My accommodation is well ventilated. Air conditioners, heaters, showers, hot water geysers, television and other appliances, if mentioned as available in the Listing, are functional. I ensure that my Guests are made aware of how to use these appliances. There are instructions for usage of appliances where necessary.

  • Safety

    My Listing is safe - there are no exposed wirings, electric hazards, pests or vermin. The doors, windows and locks are functional. There is a handy first-aid kit, fire extinguisher and list of emergency services. My house is child-proof and safe, especially whilst hosting families or elderly guests.

  • Accessibility

    Access code or keys for my Listing are easily available to the Guest for convenient accessibility.

  • Appliances

    All the amenities I have mentioned in my Listing description are available in working condition and safe to use.

4. Local rules, regulations and necessary approvals

  • My Listing is in adherence to local and national laws.
  • I have taken necessary approvals like permission from housing societies, Resident Welfare Assocication (RWA) and/or local authorities. The approvals I receive ensure that my Guests don't get unnecessarily hassled by others.
  • As required by local authorities (especially Police), I keep records of Guests and their stay details. I submit the same to the Police as well.
  • If I share the apartment with some friends, I am mindful of their needs and keep them informed.
  • My Listing does not breach any agreements that I have entered into with any third parties.
  • My Listing does not breach any child labour norms.

5. Reviews

Reviews are an integral part of the SaffronStays community. I always make sure that I leave a review for my Guests within 30 days of their stay. I keep my reviews brief, accurate, and objective.

6. Guide and support

As a local, the Guest could look up to me to provide guidance and support to have a better experience of the location. I keep city guides and maps, phone numbers to call a taxi/guide, order-in menus of eating places close-by and emergency service contact numbers available at the Listing.

9. Failure to uphold the Host Service Assurance

Material non-adherence of any of these conditions, at the sole discretion of SaffronStays, could make my Guest eligible to a refund in accordance with the Guest Refund Policy. I understand that I may also be subject to some or all of the below consequences* :

  • Negatively impacted Listing ranking
  • Negative reviews indicating travel issues
  • Administrative fines or fees
  • Cancellation of future bookings
  • Suspension/Permanent removal of my Listing(s) from the site
  • Permanent removal of my account from the site

* SaffronStays reserves the right to take such corrective or other action relating to a Listing on the
website or against a Host at its sole discretion for the protection of the SaffronStays community.