
Why Host?

Because the world has become such a small pond...and you can open your oyster for all!
Because you can help people experience so much more!
Because you can make new friends for life!
Because we offer safety while you have all this fun!
Because SaffronStays with you. For now, forever.

Broaden your horizons

As a Host on SaffronStays, you get to be a part of a community of new age travellers - both local and international. By hosting such a vibrant community, you can learn so much about people and cultures around the world.

By interacting with your Guests during and after their stay, you also build long lasting connections. If you are a traveller yourself, this also means that you've found yourself local guides to places that are on your travel list!

Show off your hosting skills and become a popular and trustworthy Host amongst travellers through our unique review and rating system called "Trust Meter". You'll have Guests thronging at your doorstep!

Making money was never so easy!

Nothing beats making money on the side, does it? Even a spare room can make you some moolah! There are plenty of travellers who just need a room to crash in and a cheerful host at breakfast.

Did we mention that you pay nothing to get your place listed? Absolutely nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nil.

You can also manage multiple listings through one SaffronStays account and get pre-planned bookings all around the year, 24x7 with round-the-clock bookings. How cool is that, eh?

Become an entrepreneur

You could have a house or a villa or just a spare room to offer. You get to determine when to host, and at what price. SaffronStays gives you complete freedom to decide days or months of the year when you would like to open your house to guests. It also lets you decide the price, and choose from a variety of cancellation policies. Your house, your terms. It doesn't get more empowering than this!

If you have awesome Listings and a great Trust Meter, you can also be a 'Featured' on our website. As a Featured Host, you will enjoy access to our professional photographers to ensure that your house looks as pretty in pictures as it really is.Our content team will also help you write cool content for your Listings. Most importantly, a Featured Host's Listing will be displayed at the top of search results and will also be displayed on the home page of SaffronStays.

Enjoy hosting with trust and safety

And you get to do all of this with confidence, thanks to our system of trust and safety. All Guests are rated by the Hosts they stay with and you can look at your Guests' Profile and Trust Meterscore before you accept bookings.

Payments received via SaffronStays are also secure and convenient. We use Zaakpay's secure payment gateway to process payments from Guests.

Benefit from policies that safeguard the interest of both the Host and the Guest. Our system works based on your every need.Click here to read more on Trust and Safety.

Convinced? Click on List my place today! Make the World your Guest.

Have more questions? Read our detailed Host FAQs or watch this video.